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Acquired Brain Disorder involves damage to the brain that was not present at birth and is non-progressive. PRIDE's ABI Program provides opportunities for an adult companion; day services; individual support and community rehabilitation; short-term respite services; and supported employment.
There's a lot of camaraderie and fun in our Day Hab Program, where many important things happen. Members develop independence, lifetime skills and individual well-being through engaging activities, both on-site and in the community. Health and medical needs are monitored daily by our Health Care Supervisor. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language services are also available.
AFC is for adults with disabilities and elderly people who can't live alone safely. We assist people ages 16+ who need assistance due to aging, medical conditions, mental illness, developmental and/or physical disabilities. Members are matched with approved families that provide lodging and personal care services in their home.
CBDS provide skill sets to develop, enhance, and maintain one's competence and confidence in personal, social, and community-based activities. Members spend at least 70% of time out in the community while job exploration and individual preferences are assessed. Activities may include a trip to the Artist Exchange, volunteering, exercise, visiting a farm, seeing a Red Sox game, going to the YMCA, and more.
The Employment Department at PRIDE provides a variety of vocational services to adults with disabilities in order to explore, obtain, and maintain employment in the community. Working side-by-side with an Employment Specialist, individuals may receive assessments, skills training, job development and placement, and job retention services. This program is funded by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.
PRIDE workers are conscientious, committed and caring on the job. They enjoy giving back to the community and desire to do well. PRIDE workers are dependable and typically meet or exceed job expectations. Hiring from our team enhances your company's image, diversifies the workplace, demonstrates a commitment to the community and reflects social responsibility.
PRIDEWRX provides professional services to the business community, such as bulk and direct mailings, commercial cleaning services, assembly and packaging. We also offer vacuum packaging, sorting, auto shrink wrap, heat sealing, hand packaging, bagging, collating, laminating, die cutting, sonic welding, pre-packs, kitting, Pemserter fastening, Prep 'n Post, and engraving.
PRIDE Employment Specialists assist high school students with varying disabilities in the successful transition to life after school. In collaboration with local school systems, we provide work skills instruction and community-based vocational training to develop valuable, transferrable skills. This program includes job readiness groups, community work training, interest inventories, guest speakers, job shadows and tours, and informational interviews.
Pre-Employment Transition Services, or Pre-ETS, is funded by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission and is offered to students aged 14-22 with a documented disability who are enrolled in high-school or a post-secondary education program. Pre- ETS works to prepare students for transitioning to employment by focusing on five major components: Job Exploration; Work-Readiness Training; Self-Advocacy and Peer Mentoring; Work-Based Learning; and Counseling on Post-Secondary Education/Training.
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