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To improve the quality of life for all.
PRIDE, Inc. is a non-profit organization providing quality vocational, alternative residential and social programs for individuals with cognitive, developmental and/or intellectual disabilities in the southeast Massachusetts area. Since our inception in 1969, our services have expanded to support individuals with brain injuries and individuals with mental health needs. Our programs and services work toward improving the quality of life for individuals of all abilities and their families. PRIDE's biggest strength is its caring, experienced staff. We strive to provide the best possible services with the highest standards, and to go above and beyond expectations.
Our philosophy is that everyone who wants to work can work and be able to live in the most independent situation of their choice. As we strive to improve the quality of life for all, we advocate for, demonstrate and teach Perseverance, Respect, Independence, Dignity and Enrichment [P.R.I.D.E.] to accomplish this goal. We are working to help build a society where one day everyone will have the freedom to contribute to his or her community in a valuable and fulfilling way.
"I want to recognize your staff and clients who participate in our Easter Seals volleyball and softball events. They have been enthusiastic participants for over 25 years. Special thanks to Doug Latham who organizes the team. He is outstanding. Thanks again for working with Easter Seals and for all you do in the community." — Kirk N. Joslim, President and CEO, Easter Seals
"PRIDE has always been there for not only my son but for my entire family. This organization goes above and beyond for those with intellectual disabilities. It has provided my son with the work that makes him feel good and the social connection that makes him smile. He has great self-esteem and enjoys attending PRIDE's Programs." —Patricia Babbit, Parent of PRIDE participant and Board member.
knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith, sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities."
—William Arthur Ward
Copyright © 2025 PRIDE, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.